Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Woke up this morning....

Now Charlie's not one for tooting another's clarinet but credit where it's due.

Mr Fitzgerald writes a splendid blog over at Squeeze my Lemon, which has wonders aplenty. As the name suggests (to those of us who listen to such things) it's all about the Blues and related matters and bless my soul, he roots stuff out which even I haven't heard, so the customary apes, ivory and peacocks go to him.

Amongst his recent posts he has links to the magnificent Delta Blues Museum, which in turn has a link to the related Purple Beech's Uncensored History of the Blues, which has detailed information all about Mr Rugel's podcasts of the same name. These may be downloaded from Odeo's podcast thingummy and played at your convenience on a portable listening device. Ah, these modern times in which we live.

Thank you, Messers Fitzgerald and Rugel both.

1 comment:

fitzgerald said...

Thanks for "tooting on my clarinet" but really all you had to do was "SqueezeMyLemon." And thanks for your kind words too.