Thursday, December 28, 2006

In which Charlie gets Overcome By Technology

Blooming heck!




Not enough whiskey in this world.

They told me this would be easy.

They lied.


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Moving Television

Are you ever left wondering, "What's that tune?" when the advertisments are on the moving television. Well, here's a database of soundtracks that could assist.

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Saturday, December 16, 2006

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

In which Charlie Keeps His Word.

Charlie was lucky enough recently to be given an invitation for a Googlemail account.

Now part of the deal was that I would mention the splendid chap that offered this to me, so pop yourselves over to Liew Cheon Fong's webpage, where you may enjoy the many and varied delights on offer by Malaysia's first successful full-time blogger. And jolly interesting it is too.

Thanks again, LcF - and more power to you.